Saturday, September 8, 2012

Importance of Time Table in School Education

Second school clock, spark plug and a mirror: Time table is said to be the second clock which indicates all the activities undertaken in a school. It shows the hours of school work, kind of work or subjects, the teachers at work and at rest, the rooms being used in a certain period, recreational time, time of roll call, time of morning assembly, time of drill, games and other co curricular activities and time of interval. The school is the spark plug of the school which sets into motion its various activities and programmes. Time table is a mirror that reflects the entire educational programme followed in the school. It serves the following purposes:
(1) Eliminates Wastage of Time and Energy:
Undoubtedly all planned programmes eliminated wastage of time and energy and it equally true in the case of a school time-table. The work is and by is large,
equitably distributed among the members of the staff. It directs the teachers and students energy and attention to one thing at a time by placing proper persons at their proper place at the proper time and in die proper manner.
(2) Ensures due attention to every Subject or Activity:
The framing the time-table, due attention is given to every subject. Periods are allotted to different subjects according to their importance and their nature.
(3) Develops Moral Values:
It helps to develop Qualities like punctuality and regularity both in the teachers and the taught by placing before them a set programme of activities.
(4) Brings System in the School Life:
It provides work for students and keeps them busy and thereby helps in maintaining discipline. In the absence of any time-table there is found to be chaos and confusion in the school.
(5) Ensures Regular and Even Progress:
Regular and even progress is ensured because time­table prevents laxity and shortages.
(6) Psychological Value:
It has got a psychological value leading to the removal of fatigue which may occur due to prolonged hours of teaching and learning.
(7) It ensures equitable distribution of time to different subjects and activities:
Time-table helps in avoiding the allotment of too much or too less work to any teacher.
(8) Develops Good Habits:
It helps in developing regular habits of work.
(9) Advance Planning by the Teachers and Students:
Time-table helps in chalking out plans in a systematic manner.
Form of a Time-table:
The form of a time-table depends upon the nature of activities carried in a school the more the number and variety of activities, the more type of time-tables. In an ordinary school four forms of time-table i.e. consolidated time-table of the school, class time-table, teacher's vacant period time-table and teacher's time­table will serve the purpose. Time-table for co curricular activities is coming into vague in view of their importance in the field of education. Similarly in school where games are properly organised, the need for games, be stressed. The time-table for home-work is also maintained by sonic schools.
Ideally speaking there should be seven types of time-table:
(1) Master time indicating the entire programme of the school
(2) Class time-table.
(3) Teacher's time-table.
(4) Vacant period time-table.
(5) Games time-table
(6) Co curricular activities time-table.
(7) Home-work time-table.
One copy of the class time-table should be kept in the classroom concerned. A copy of the teacher's time­table should be put in the staff room. One copy of each time-table should be kept in the Head Office, so that he may know at a glance what work a particular class or teacher is doing at a given time.
Recommendations of the Education Commission:
(1) The working hours per day should vary from four hours at the pre-primary stage to about six hours at the higher secondarily stage.
(2) The total period does not include the time for co curricular activities.
(3) The period includes the time for library period or the guided studies.
(4) At the lower primary stage the hours of instruction should be about 900 at higher primary and secondary stages they should be not less than 1,000 and preferably raised to 1,000 or even 1,200 if conditions are favourable.
Importance of Time Table in School Education

Saturday, September 1, 2012

EDUCATIONAL PLANNING Definition Objectives Steps

What is Educational Planning?

According to Philip H Coombs
"Educational Planning is the application of rational systematic analysis to the process of educational development with the aim of making education more effective in responding to the needs and goals of the students and society".

What are the importance of Educational Planning? 
1. Educational planing helps to attains the educational objectives. 
2. Educational planing helps to reduce the wastage of resources, manpower, time, finance.
3. Educational planing helps to keep pace with social development.
4. Educational planing helps to gives direction to administration.

Objectives of Educational Planning
1. Attained objectives of education.
2. Reduce wastage of resources.
3. Provide the base for accountability
4. Keep pace with social development.
5. Reduce regional imbalance in educational development.
6. Coordinate different educational activity. [example: Pre-primary to Primary, Primary to Secondary, Higher  Secondary to College Education etc.]
7. Overall (social, cultural, economic) development of country.

Steps of Educational Planning
1. Deciding the educational objectives based on educational policy.
2. Analysis of the recent trends and the present situation. SWOT (Strength / Weakness / Opportunity / Threat) analysis to find out the alternative.
3. Selection of the best alternative.
4. Preparation of the of the plan. That is how to do the work, find out source of resource and requirement of schedule timing.
5. Implementation and monitoring (supervision).
6. Evaluation

Types of Educational Planning
1. Macro Planes and 2. Micro Plans

Macro Plans in Education 
In educational planning Central level and State levels plans are macro plans. It is long term plans.
  • Central Level Plans
  • State level plans
Micro Plans in Education 
In educational planning District level, Block level and Institution level planning are micro planning. It can be both long term and short term
  • District level
  • Block level
  • Institution level
Micro plans helps Macro plans to succeeds.


Four Pillars of Education

Concept, Nature and Scope of Education

Concept, Nature and Scope of Education

B Ed NEW SYLLABUS West Bengal State University


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